Wednesday, January 12, 2011

On Mythical New Beginnings

Well, folks, I'm blogging again. (Woohoo! Go, me! Aren't I just so fabulously motivated? :)

Okay, okay. So, more precisely I'm fulfilling a course requirement while discovering a "more colorful and vibrant" world in the process. Awesomeness, no?

Believe me, an emphatic YES is most definitely the answer! Allow me to provide a brief orientation before the fun begins...

I have the marvelous good fortune of being a student at Montana State University and, this semester being my last, I chose to supplement my otherwise humdrum Mathematical/Statistical existence with a number of more 'imaginative' courses (in the interest of maintaining sanity, surviving Ansil's deployment, etc. etc.). Most notably, I enrolled myself in a Lit class on mythologies, for which I am required to maintain a blog.

Viola! Enter Danielle, blogger extraordinaire.

You may expect to find any number of potentially earth-shattering revelations on this page as the semester progresses: Class notes, reading responses, illustrations, paper drafts, and various other delights are sure to appear shortly.

Stay tuned. :)