Monday, January 17, 2011

On Epic Awesomeness

What springs to your mind when you hear the word Myth?



Perhaps this?

Whenever most of us think the word "Myth" we envision any number of a great many fictional tales with timeless appeal and a message of courage, gallantry, and self-sacrifice in the face of insurmountable odds. These contain heros who are well-known to us: Hercules, Batman... Gerard Butler.

For the most part, such stories are inspirational. They provide a deeper understanding of the world around us as well as assurance - nay, downright proof - that Evil can always be conquered and Good will ultimately triumph. We love our myths. They comfort and amuse.

To me, Myth is anything whose purpose is to explain or encourage in an entertaining manner. Good myth will lend accessibility to those things which seem beyond our comprehension. It has the power to bring excitement to the humdrum and make the terrifying less so. It is an indispensible element in the development of any culture.

This semester I will be learning about a variety of different myths, some familiar, some less so. I will expand my understanding of the meaning and purpose behind such myths and in doing so recognize the truth within each. Most importantly, I will explore the many subtle myths which influence our daily lives in any number of ways.

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