Sunday, June 6, 2010

On Joyous Wedded Weekends

Holy goodness gracious it's HOT! Okay, so maybe not so much by local standards (it's only about 99 degrees after all), but for a poor young thing like me who just spent the past 9 months in Montana, Land of Exquisite Coldness... Yes, I'm quite roasted.

And, just for the record, being freezing cold is less than awesome and all, but at least if you manage to avoid frostbite you're pretty much good. Thing is, I'm a redhead (read: freakishly pale). I literally managed to acquire a sunburn simply walking out to check the mail yesterday. True story. Do I have photographic evidence? Not so much (I found the camera, but my patience for the thing is limited). Still, believe me, it hurtses. :(

Ahem. Enough of the Joys of Oklahoma.

So Friday evening I started out to attempt the aforementioned Most Delicious Banana Bread Ever since these lovely beauties have been hanging out on the countertop about 3 days too many.

Oh yes. Check that out. Epic photography skills. And by "epic" I mean... Yeah, I'm gonna blame it on the camera. :P

So I was just getting all set up.

(Yes, that is the extent of our counter space here. *tear*)

Ansil wandered in, so I asked if he wanted to help make dinner...

Silly darling of a man said yes...

...and got sweetly adorned for his troubles. (I thought he looked delightfully Greek. :)

He stirred things...

and tasted things...

and a brilliant dinner was born.

(I sorta slacked off on the photo-taking, but Ansil made the banana bread all by himself and I whipped up a very creative chicken pasta dish complete with Guilty Kitchen's incredible Avocado and Cilantro Dressing, recommended by my dear new sister-in-law Hannah.)

In other news, I've been keeping busy. Did seven loads of laundry (yes, seven), spent two full days cleaning Ansil's room (that was... an experience), thoroughly bleached the bathroom, and surreptitiously tossed a dozen pairs of holey socks.

(Mmm that was a very satisfying moment - and for the record I did replace them.)

Truly, though, I am in absolute heaven here. I've decided that marriage suits me. And Ansil... definitely the very best husband a girl could ask for. Wow. What a dear, sweet man. :)

I love you, sweetheart. Good luck studying!


  1. That boy is a-dorable. You know, he used to get upset when I threw away his undies and socks...but then, I never replaced them. Ooops! :)

  2. What a lovely post! All the cooking and fraternizing in the kitchen, I mightily approve of. ;) And your pictures crack me up---what wonderful photo journaling! hehe.

    Dinner looked yuumy! did you like the dressing?! hope so!
