Tuesday, June 8, 2010

On Wifely Practicality

Whew! In case you were wondering, it's still hot. Yep. Quite. About ten paces outside the door I instantly lose all incentive to do anything. Seriously. It's an effort merely to get my measly chore list complete every day. :\

You see, in a very little while I'm going to be crazy busy filling out name-change forms, social security documents, military spouse paperwork, school paperwork, financial aid changes, etc. We'll be setting up a joint bank account, planning our budget together, moving into the new apartment, and decorating merrily. However. None of the above can actually happen until
(a) the new apartment is ready, and/or
(b) the already-requested certified copies of our marriage license arrive.
I need proof that I really and truly AM legally married to Ansil before I can do practically anything. So here I sit, twiddling my thumbs, complaining of the heat, and earnestly willing the postman to pedal his little truck from Virginia to here faster. It's been a week today since I sent off for those forms... but who's counting? ;)

So. Meanwhile, I attend to my wifely duties. Shall I share with you? :)

I continue to write thank you notes whenever I have a spare moment. They're coming along nicely, but I'm determined to keep each one personal and beautifully written so the whole process is more than a little time consuming. I think I'm about halfway now.

What else?

Laundry! As much as I adore the fact that I am free of the 'joys' of dry cleaning on a daily basis (Go Army), I really must point out something that had not previously occurred to me. Sure, the Army simplifies Ansil's wardrobe. In theory, he uses less closet space and never has to worry whether his outfit is properly color coordinated. (Camo on camo? That's a win!) In reality the man literally goes through 3 sets of clothes a day. Trust me, you've never seen so much laundry in your life!

He has one set for PT (which come home after 2 hours utterly soaked and tremendously odorous), one set of undergarments for ACUs (and even though a set of ACUs can generally last multiple days, the undershirt, etc. canNOT - have I mentioned how hot Oklahoma gets?), and then whatever ordinary clothes he changes into once he gets home (which once again thanks to the joys of this climate are in earnest need of a washing even after just a few hours).

Now I realize the previous method for dealing with this overabundance of laundry (according to my very dear Ansil himself) was actually, I kid you not, to wash exactly one set of socks and then maybe a couple of each outfit every weekend and just reuse a ton. That is so incredibly gross I cannot even begin to describe... Eeeeeeew. Yucky sweaty nasty absolutely not hug-worthy. And gee whiz I'd really enjoy being able to hug my brand new husband once in a while!

So I present to you my system: Absolutely no laundry on weekends (I demand my days of rest) and then one or two loads multiple times during the week. That way nothing gets too overwhelming and I have something to keep track of during the day (it gets seriously boring and lonely on my own).

...And just the fact that I care to write that much about laundry goes to show how desperately in need of a life I really am. Come on, Mr. Postman!!!

Ahem. Shall I show you today's project?

You guessed it - more laundry! :) The blanket on our bed is one of those lovely Korean mink blankets, but it has clearly been much used and as a result stank to high heaven. Yuck! So I called both mothers for guidance and was advised alternately to dry clean it or to track down an industrial sized washing machine. Well, the first option is really pricey and the second kinda unfeasible in this sad town, so I struck a compromise. I'm hand washing the thing.
It kinda looks like a large wet dog in the photo, but I promise you it came out very nicely. Almost very nearly dry right now and it smells delightful. :)

Oh my. My life is thrilling, no?


  1. You are re-creating my life from the 1980s! I did laundry in the tub too in the beginning, and I've had to hang clothes out when they froze on the line (before I figured out that a wooden drying rack is a terrific help, and when desperate, you can clip clothes all over curtains and put up indoor lines). Imagine all the laundry with 9 people when the kids were growing up! I always threw a load in last thing at night and then put it in the dryer first thing in the morning. Then every couple days I'd do 3 or 4 loads to keep up.

  2. Oh wow! I remember that mink ;) I'm so, so glad you washed it! ;)

    I hear you re: lonely and bored by self. Last week was so bad, that I jumped at a chance to come home for a few days this week and see PEOPLE. Mom thinks it's just a young military wife thing. I know from experience it's just a young wife thing, period. Still, not enough incentive for kids! ;) just a job! Summers are so bad for feeling bored. And then it's like, gee, I can suck it up, or complain to the man who has been working all day long. aah! no options.

