Sunday, April 1, 2012

Honeymoon -- Day 3

Whew! Busy few days here. Doing my best to catch up. :)

At the suggestion of two travel agents and several friends, we visited the Polynesian Cultural Center.

Ansil loved it!

Oh yeah. Right up his alley!

I scored a snazzy new hat and a shaved ice.

Ansil got to feed the fishies...

This is his serious fish-feeding face.

It's hard to see, but that canal was absolutely packed with fish!
The water looked like it was boiling wherever the food fell.
Personally, it was a bit disturbing.

"Eewww it smells like turtle food."

I believe this photo was taken to demonstrate some sort of size comparison.
Or something about dinosaurs.
Ansil was being cryptic.

This almost immediately became the new background on Ansil's phone.


And in the interest of catching up, guess where I am?
(And yes, we spent the morning on the beach and that is one brutal sunburn!)

Woohoo!! Best Pineapple Whip ever! Yum!
We bought... 3.
Yes, we were there no more than an hour and went through the long line twice. It's that good!

Our love to you all!


  1. I love these pictures! And so glad you fed the fish. I hope Finfy and Sparklefin still remember me.
    And I totally approve of going through the pineapple whip line twice. I miss that stuff!
    Love Mom
    PS Della is saying I am weird. Hmph.
