Thursday, March 29, 2012

Honeymoon -- Day 2

Hanging out on our balcony ("lanai" in Hawaiian).

Ansil is in LOVE with this bamboo stuff (at the hotel). :)

We wandered up and down our little stretch of Waikiki this morning after breakfast. The clouds looked so cool that I sweetly requested (read: forced) Ansil to wander over and pose for me.

He was very obliging. :)

He even turned contemplative there for a bit.

...or maybe just bored.

And let the record show: Ansil's photography skills are growing by leaps and bounds!
He even offers to take photos now. :)

A gracious bystander noticed our photographic strivings and stepped in to help.
Poor Ansil doesn't much enjoy staring into the sun.

And finally: some birds. Cute, no?


  1. This is a great advance over the postcard (much as I like them). Showed your blog to Dad tonight and he was from Hawaii already? He had no idea. :)
    Ansil, you remind me of Michael Buble. And Danielle, I love the picture of you on the lanai!

  2. Thanks! Glad to hear you're showing these around. :)

    Never fear, a stack of postcards is already stamped and addressed beside me! We just wanted to make sure to stay proactive about capturing memories here. This is a pretty huge opportunity for us and what with the way Ansil is about journalling and memories... it just seemed fitting. I'm going to have actual prints made when we get home and throw together an album as well.

    Isn't Ansil turning into a great photographer? We keep having these unexpected conversations about color and composition, etc. Incredible! :)
