Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Why I Love Charity

Consider the archetype of the Trickster.

Well, anyone who was present at today's 'grueling' exam is quite aware of how fabulous certain traits of the trickster can be. Ahem. Most specifically, situation inversion is my new favorite thing. (Can I get an Amen?)

In conclusion, allow me to say....



  1. I soooo wanted to be there and see everyone's face. So bad.

  2. Hehe the guy you had proctoring the exam waited just the perfect amount of time to have everyone deeply in pain over the first page (that second question seemed to stump a lot of people) and then he oh so slyly delivered the, "Oh and I forgot to tell you: You're allowed to work together." Fabulously mythic moment right there. Highlight of my semester. :)
