Friday, April 1, 2011

Bob le Bricoleur

Oh my, I just had to share. We've been talking about the Trickster in class all week and noted that one of the 6 defining characteristics of the Trickster is that he is a bricoleur (a DIY kind of dude). I was curious about the word (a new bit of vocabulary for me), so I did a little research. Well, guess what happens when you do a google image search of the term?

The word is apparently just French for "builder". *gasp* Could Bob be a trickster? I mean, what if every handyman is? I recently took my car into the shop and I'm convinced that all mechanics are tricksters. ;)


  1. Its funny that you described Bob the BUilder as a trickster, because when we discussed the topic in class I kept thinking of child cartoon characters. Swiper the Fox was the first to come to mind. I think he is the ultimate trickster. I think little kids identify with trickster figures...or at least really entertained by their antics.

  2. Ha! That is funny, but like I always say, it's funny because it's true! Thanks for opening my mind
