Sunday, July 24, 2011

Unabashed Sappiness

So... because I really know how to show a guy a good time, I took Ansil to the post thrift store while he was home. Doesn't he look splendid?

Seriously. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

And yes, I take some remarkably flattering shots. ;)


  1. You do belong in our family, dragging menfolk to thrift stores. :) He looks so cute. And skinny.

    And now your blog isn't lonely! You get points for posting.

  2. Hey, what can I say? Your wish is my command. :)

    (Plus I sort of promised your mother earlier that I'd post photos today. And I promised my own parents yesterday. I fear the wrath!)

    And I KNOW, right? Dude is all fit and adorable and stuff. *bliss* :)

  3. yes, keep him used to thrift shopping! His Dad had to be taught how. My mother in law didn't even believe in shopping at discount stores (she never entered a WalMart)much less thrift stores. And yard sales were for "those people" :)
