Monday, July 25, 2011

Duke Park

Many many years ago I was something of an athlete...

Hehe I know, right? I did say "something". Anyhow, moving on... I used to play at a little place called Duke Park, and while Ansil was home we both had a chance to drive up and visit. While we were there, Ansil got a chance to play with my new camera. (As always, click on a photo to see the big version.)

Aww, look at my husband. He's just so fantabulously handsome! :)

1 comment:

  1. o. my. gosh. you two are the most adorable thing in the entire, entire world/universe.

    makes me so teary. I'm sure the baby's not helping any with that.

    gee wiz you kids are beautiful. *SOB!*
