Friday, April 29, 2011

The Mythical Joys of Electronic Things

So... I write this from my laptop, which is a pretty big deal for me.

It turns out that at the end of last week, right in the middle of that beloved chaos which we lovingly call the last few weeks of school, my laptop decided to just start turning itself off. A lot. All the time. Right away. It was a really sneaky sort of illness too. Everything looked just fine on the outside and then one day I went to revise a paper and woosh. No more happy helpful computer. Tragedy struck my life. :(

Anyhow, I really wanted to share because believe me it felt earnestly mythic to me. Absolutely felt like some crazy trickster god somewhere thought it would be oh-so-funny to take out my lifeline at this crucial moment in my senior year. Special, really.

However. I had a Hero! This fabulous dude named Gordon appeared (we're going to say "out of nowhere" because, honestly, "the yellow pages" doesn't sound nearly so fabulous) and promised to do everything in his power to nurse my poor computer (and all of the papers it contained) back to health.

Well, he whisked away and I spent 5 nail-biting days trying to wade through class and life and Easter weekend on my own. Ach. It was emphatically my own Road of Trials. I don't know how many of you have tried to write a thoughtful paper from start to finish while seated in the crowed Renne Library at what was possibly the dirtiest keyboard known to mankind, but believe me, it counts as an adventure!


Ahem, anyhow. Through surely magical means Gordon pulled through for me and my computer and I have been reunited just in time to sail through our very last day of classes ever together.

This is a very special moment.

Thank you, Gordon.


  1. Not cool, Laptop, not cool.

    But Gordon? He deserves a medal. Or a really big cake.

    Shudder. School library computers are horrid. While the keyboards are clean, half the time stupid people have left their porn minimized. Yeah, students at community college are so productive.

    Yay for last days! I have two exams left: religion and physiology. And then I'm DONE.

  2. I know how you feel! I got a malware on my laptop a few weeks before spring break (my busiest time this semester) and it was out of commission for a week! Thankfully, Resnet is amazing (and FREE!!!) and I received it back and it was better than ever! Definitely can see some trickster in that!
