Sunday, March 27, 2011


Trees are the most obvious and visual form of an axis mundi we have discussed. They are tall and mighty, reaching up from earth to the heavens in a clear bridge between the two. They fascinate us with their elegance, their permanence, their calm strength. We use the language of trees in our everyday lives. We refer to one another as "willowy" or "stubborn as an old stump". We draw the map of our ancestry as trees and carve the names of our loved ones into them. We stand in the midst of a grove of trees and are hushed into silence by their power. We climb to the very top of a tree and feel a part of that very same power coursing through us.

Trees are magical. They connect our three worlds:

The Divine (Heaven)

The Mundane (Earth)

The Underworld (Under Ground)

Trees are a part of every great myth. They have spoken and continue to speak to us for centuries upon centuries. They have a timeless appeal and a significance which I cannot do proper justice to in this short blog. Trees are tied to our existence with an unbreakable bond. I love trees. :)


  1. And I just remembered the famous Ogden Nash poem:
    (Written when control of advertizing along highways was an issue..)

    I think that I shall never see
    A billboard lovely as a tree.
    In fact, unless the billboards fall,
    I'll never see a tree at all.
