Monday, January 31, 2011

End of Days

Well, we've been reading Revelation and it was suggested that we track down a song or picture of the end of the world...

What can I say? I'm a traditionalist. :)

But seriously, what do you think about the End of Days? Do you think about it? Death is a scary enough topic, but the death of everything? Gee whiz. It makes my head spin a little.

If I were to die tomorrow, what would I change about today? For one, I'd definitely have skipped class. And work. And I'd be back home in the company of family and friends, doing nothing but smiling and holding my husband's hand all day long. :)


  1. I definitely have thought about the end of the world before but not often. It's so depressing and scary that I just try to avoid the topic mostly. And I totally agree with you. I'd definitely be with my family and boyfriend and NOT in class, lol

  2. it is pretty depressing and scary. i agree too, if i knew i was going to die tomorrow i'd book the first flight out to hawaii and marry my finacee tonight! (we are planning a hawaii wedding for two years away.. but if death came tomorrow you bet i'd marry him)
